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Fall Camp Update

Grant Football Families 

This week there will be some adjustments to football practice due to the extreme weather we are anticipating this week. Practices from Monday - Thursday will be held at 11:30am on the upper turf. This will move our pre practice meeting to 10:30 am. Players who need to check out gear can do so starting at 8:00 am. Please note the attire for the practices is as follows 

Monday - Helmet + Practice Jersey 

Tuesday - Helmet + Practice Jersey 

Wednesday - Helmet + Shoulder pads + Girdle + Practice Jersey 

Thursday - Helmet + Shoulder pads + Girdle + Practice Jersey 

Attire may be adjusted to accommodate for heat. 

Practice will resume on its normal schedule this Friday unless communicated otherwise.

Reminder: You must be cleared via family ID to receive gear. If you do not have approved status on Family ID you will not receive gear until you are cleared. Athletes must also register on WarRoom. This is our platform where students will check out their gear. Players who have not created an account can do so using the following link.

Gear check out start at 8:00am in the wrestling room. 
