Week of March 15th Update

Merry Christmas early, Varsity families from Mark Going Photography!  He does this as an incredible free gift to our players and families and we could not afford him if we tried!

Barlow Game pics:


John Davenport has also generously donated his time and posted pictures from a few practices and team and individual pics. We are so grateful to John who takes all the team sport pics in the whole school. You can purchase individual pics for the very special price of only $1 per picture.


Please make sure to reference their work on any public platforms if you post pics from football. We want to make sure we give credit where credit is due. If there are any JV parents that have photography skills and can make the game, please let me know. Karmenvonarx@icloud.com

Schedule this week

This week’s Varsity game will be at Clackamas, this Friday at 7:00pm. Players need to be at Grant at 3:50pm 

JV plays in Gresham at 2:00 pm on Saturday

*We have purchased more gator masks for the team and they will get them at practice. Please encourage players to keep track of them. 

Team Steam

Friends of Grant football and all the parents would like to send out a big thank you to our live-stream film crews that are doing such a great job. It gets really cold and is a lot of work, but they get it done, and get it done really well!  Many thanks to:

Kurt Borchart- our new Voice of Grant Football and FOGF Board Member
Josh Haley- color commentator and FOGF Board member
Geno Zaharie- production and software guru Former FOGF Board Member and Football Parent Alum. 
Shawn Hindrum- FOGF Board Member, Filmer in training 
Sean McLoughlin- FOGF Board Member and Helper extraordinaire 

JV Stream team:
Kurt Borchardt
Dan Kent
Bill Wilson
Kevin Rueda

Please share our link to the Games on your Social media. The more traffic we get to our site the better!


grant foot.jpg

Grant vs Roosevelt Player of the Week #2

Offensive Player: Luke Borchardt 
Defensive Player: Timon Davis
M.V.P.: Logan Going 
Special Teams: Alex Costagnoli
Lineman: Kaden Segel
Practice Players: Robert Hebesen / Ted Shephard / Alex Costagnoli 
Underclassmen: Adrian Mosley

Help Needed Senior Parents

Videos this week!  If we don’t get enough we won’t do. 

We are looking for senior parents to help plan a special senior send-off for our Senior players. I have had only one parent contact me to help. 

Things we need from Parents

  1. Please prepare a 20-30 second video by March  28th telling us who your player is, how long he has been playing football, his position, and some love and good wishes. We will be playing them on the live stream for senior night.  

  2. We need the names and info of Parents or Guardians and family names along with player name and years playing football

  3. Please send videos and info to Karmenvonarx@icloud.com

Grant Youth Football opening.  

We need to fill the opening for Football Youth President and we are looking for someone that has a love of the game to help keep the youth program strong. If there is a parent from the program, coach, or someone you would like to nominate  or you would like to find out more info please email karmenvonarx@icloud.com 

SnapRaise update

We are so close to our goal! 8 more days!! Please encourage your player to send a personal email to each of their sponsors. 

Many thanks to our families that have supplied snacks and water for the players and helped with the team meal. 

Let Go Generals!

Friends of Grant football