Summer Workouts Postponed

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Dear Grant Football Families,

We are so sorry to do this to everyone again, but the July 27th start date will not be happening because we are still in phase 1. PIL is doing what they can to make sure sports are safe for the kids and are being extra careful.

OSAA (Governing sports body for Oregon) is closely following protocols set by the Governor and the Oregon Department of Health.
They issued the latest info yesterday, I have posted the article below.  Here is a summary for football information as follows.

From OSAA:
Football is considered a full-contact activity per the Governor’s and OHA guidelines and is currently prohibited. No definitive date has been established by the state for a review of this prohibition. Based on strategies provided by the OSAA Football Contingency Group it is necessary that any Football restrictions be lifted by September 28 in order to have a modified regular season this Fall that would include some type of restructured postseason.
If Fall activities aren’t able to be held in the Fall, the OSAA Executive Board is committed to working with its contingency groups to exhaust all options for these activities including shifting, condensing, or stacking seasons, like our neighbors in Washington and California, with the fundamental objective of providing participation opportunities for students. These changes may ultimately force schools into choosing which programs they will offer and students into choosing between activities, but the Board believes that a potentially difficult choice is better than no choice.

In Short, they are waiting to see how this all plays out and want to be careful in not deciding a “for sure” plan. Once we go to phase 2 PIL will allow us to begin workouts. Before the September start date.

We will keep you posted on all new updates as they happen. Get your athletes moving so that when they begin it won’t be so rough!

Friends of Grant Football Board

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