Practices Starting Next Week!

Hello Grant Football Family!
October 18, 2020

We come to you with great news!  PIL has cleared us for practice/workouts this coming week. 
Starting Wednesday....practices 4-6 / 3:30...with check-in and protocols.  Practices M-W-Th

*******Mandatory to bring a mask, own sanitizer, and a bottle of water. Equipment needed: cleats and gloves, as needed.********

-Players will form social distance lines on the west side of the gym, minimum of 6' apart for check-in.
- Be there plenty early.
-If a parent or two wants to help with check-in, Please Contact Karmen if you are able.

All safety protocols will be followed and coaches have been briefed and are trained on what needs to happen to keep our players safe. 

Male athletes from other sports are invited to also work out with football if they would like. Most sports are sponsoring their own, but possibly not clubs. They must also go through clearance. 

Make sure your athlete has gone through the whole clearance process or they will not be able to work out.
-Physicals every two years are needed so if not up to date you will need to get that in. 
-No need to pay until teams have been made in the respective seasons.

P.I.L. Player Covid Responsibilities

-Enter/Exit the facilities at the assigned points and time.
-Wash/Sanitize hands thoroughly before and after practices at designated stations.
-Students are encouraged to bring their own sanitizer if possible.
-Students are required to wear masks prior, during, and directly after practice.
-Students must sign in daily on the contact log.
-No one is allowed to share personal equipment, food, water, or bags.
-Students must leave the field at the completion of their session.
-Students must remain with one group for a week. 
-They cannot rotate groups from day-to-day.
-Practice social distancing before, during, and after each session.
-Complete online registration through Family ID
-Will notify the coach and Athletic Director if they have been exposed to and/or have had symptoms will follow the COVID-19 protocol 
-Maintain good physical hygiene by bathing/showering after each session.

Coach Beck will have a quick zoom meeting to go over the Covid safety protocols for any parents that are interested.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 713 0698 1185 
Passcode: 4zYAqtIt is scheduled for Tuesday 10/20 at 7:00PM

Please talk to your players about the importance of following these safety measures. If we can show that it is safe, it will be easier for them to allow for Sports to begin in the future. 

Thanks so much
Go Generals!
Friends of Grant Football